Corporate Development Matters
[ Education ]
Educational Formats
corporate learning & development
The training and education formats can be discussed and adjusted to your needs. Based on the experience the following three formats are the most efficient when it comes to prevention (resistance) and reaction (resilience) corporate training and development.
The workshop format allows several members to attend a tailored workshop to focus on a specific skill set, increasing awareness and identifying potential gaps to protect the organisations’ and individual assets.
To ensure an effective learning journey, workshops consist of a follow-up and/or refresher.
Being inspired by a short focused input keynote having one specific topic which is relevant to the organization on spot.
Typically less than one hour and often lead to a workshop or coaching to implement the individual measurements to achieve the next maturity level.
Acting as sparring partner or coach by supporting an entire team or an individual is the most effective, efficient and intense way to learn and develop.
This format has the biggest direct impact on the team, the individuals and the organization.
Raising awareness & Education are the first steps of effective prevention
Focused & Effective
Live long learning
Education and training is key when it comes to identifying risks, preventing & managing fraud, increase compliance and establish a culture of integrity.
Fraud pattern changes and the fraudulent industry is faster than the preventive measurements established by organizations.
Our clients appreciate tailored in-house training where the specific needs are taken up to ensure a focused and effective learning journey. For references, please directly contact us via one of the channels.
Selection of recent corporate learning & Development projects
clients inhouse-trainings
Interview Techniques
Social Engineering
Fact Finding Report writing
Advanced Investigation skills
Fraud Risk Awareness
Code of Conduct
New Work
you & Your team
Investing in education is one of the key element when it comes to establishing and developing a culture of integrity. We support that journey by offering a new format that allows 24/7 access to relevant resources, experts and peers.
Corporate Integrity Concepts™ is the global movement towards a culture of corporate integrity. With the international development center of the Corporate Integrity Academy experts provides an in-depth learning experience paired with a community of like-minded professionals.